Beyond Guesswork: How to Price Nigeria’s Luxury Properties in an Unstable Market

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Nigeria's economic climate is making it difficult to assess the true value of luxury real estate. Pricing in this segment already requires a strategic approach, but wide disparities from street to street have turned the market into a guessing game, with many abandoning research to protect their bottom line. For example, a recent Fine & Country West Africa CMA in Banana Island found a price difference of almost $2 million between two nearly identical villa townhouses. This lack of cohesion is concerning—so how do you value luxury property in such an unpredictable market?

A Look At The Current Market

Nigeria's luxury real estate market has shown resilience despite macroeconomic headwinds. The median price of luxury homes in prime areas of Lagos, such as Ikoyi and Victoria Island, has continued to rise. For instance, in Banana Island, land values reached as high as N2,200,000 per square meter in the first half of 2024, representing an over 30% increase from their 2023 value.

However, this growth occurs against a backdrop of economic challenges:

  1. High inflation rates (33.95% as of May 2024 according to NBS)
  2. Currency volatility, with the Naira depreciating against major currencies
  3. Reduced foreign direct investment in the real estate sector

The Forex Factor

The foreign exchange situation plays a crucial role in pricing luxury real estate in Nigeria. With the Naira's volatility, many developers and sellers prefer to price their properties in US dollars to maintain value stability. However, this approach comes with its own set of challenges:

  1. It can limit the pool of potential local buyers by affecting affordability for Naira buyers
  2. It exposes transactions to currency fluctuations
  3. It may face regulatory scrutiny, as the government encourages local currency transactions

A Winning Strategy

To navigate this, it's essential to understand that there are effectively two economies running in Nigerian luxury real estate:

  1. Dollar economy: Where prices are dollar-denominated and transactions are conducted in dollars.
  2. Naira economy: Where prices are dollar-denominated but transactions are conducted in Naira.

Recognising these dual economies, Fine & Country recommends a two-step dual-pricing strategy that safeguards Naira transactions:

  1. List prices in both Naira and US dollars, updating Naira prices regularly to reflect current exchange rates. This approach provides transparency and allows buyers to understand the value in both currencies.
  2. Offer flexible payment terms that are pegged to a dollar rate, allowing for currency adjustments at practical intervals. This protects sellers from potential significant losses due to currency fluctuations while providing buyers with a clear understanding of costs.

The effectiveness of this strategy depends on how frequently you update your baseline exchange rate. Fine & Country's experts can provide guidance on the optimal timing for these updates, as some negotiations require a deeper understanding of the customer, deal value, and price-sensitivity to successfully close the transaction.

Effective Pricing Strategies

How do you determine the initial price of a luxury property? Here are a few strategies that work well together:

1. Value-Based Pricing: Focus on the unique features and benefits of each property. Luxury buyers are often willing to pay a premium for exceptional amenities, locations, or design elements.

2. Competitive Analysis: Regularly assess comparable properties in the market. Fine & Country's research shows that luxury apartments in Lagos are selling for between $1 million to $6 million, depending on location and specifications.

3. Dynamic Pricing: Be prepared to adjust prices based on market conditions. However, the luxury market can be less responsive to economic shifts than the broader real estate market due to higher purchasing power of the customer pool.

4. Segmentation: Recognise that different types of luxury buyers (e.g., local HNIs, diaspora investors, institutional buyers may have different price sensitivities and motivations. Clearly asses which  is your core target market.


Pricing luxury real estate in Nigeria's current economic climate requires a delicate balance of market awareness, strategic positioning, and effective marketing. By leveraging comprehensive market data, understanding the forex implications, and employing sophisticated pricing and marketing strategies, sellers can maximise their returns while offering compelling value to discerning buyers.

Fine & Country West Africa's track record of success in this challenging market underscores the importance of working with experienced professionals who understand the nuances of luxury real estate in Nigeria. As the market continues to evolve, adaptability and expert guidance will be key to navigating the luxury real estate landscape successfully.