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LinkedIn is a great social media application that connects professionals around the world. Real Estate professionals are therefore able to connect and acquire the services of one another through this tool. These could include Real Estate professionals, Real Estate Marketers, Developers, Architects and other active players.

• YouTube
YouTube is a video-sharing website that Real Estate professionals can use to showcase their properties online through the use of 3D videoettes which gives a clear view of the properties and can reach potential buyers in different parts of the world. It has the added merit of providing the client with a first-hand virtual feel of the property.

Zoom is an app that provides video-telephony and online chat services through a cloud-based peer-to-peer software platform and is used for teleconferencing, telecommuting, distance education, and social relations. This app has become the go-to for most corporate organizations, as a result of the covid-19 pandemic and its effects on normal physical gatherings prior to the pandemic. Real estate professionals can now hold meetings on zoom with their respective clients.

• Instagram

Instagram is a photo and video sharing social networking service app that allows users to upload media that can be edited with filters and organized by hashtags and geographical tagging. Posts can be shared publicly or with pre-approved followers. Users can browse other users’ content by tags and locations and view trending content. Users can like photos and follow other users to add their content to a feed. This is an extremely effective marketing tool for real estate professionals today as luxury properties can be showcased on Instagram.

A real estate blog offers great opportunity to continuously post information rich in content about expertise, specialty and professional work. Entertaining, educative, exciting and useful information will attract an audience with similar interests.
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The social media is a powerful marketing tool and a good source of making and retaining clients and building relationships. In the last seven years many real estate companies engaged in developing and selling houses, service apartments, service plots, corporate office space etc. have taken advantage of the social media to market their products, share listings, tours and showings, lend expert advice, rebrand their products or even test the acceptability of their products in the market. Several payment plans and value added services have been circulated via social media networks by many Nigerian companies to increase their market share, stimulate customer interest in their products as well as develop new products tailored for each segment they choose to service. Above all, transactions have been closed by real estate professionals with clients locally and internationally as a result of the effective and efficient use of social media.

The core goal of real estate pros utilizing social media is to attract sellers looking to list their homes or buyers looking to purchase homes. Naturally, the use of social media for real estate is for setting up pages on social networks that fit your company’s content and audience.

While an occasional listing may be appreciated by your social media community, many experts advocate engaging your audience with industry knowledge and an expert perspective, rather than alienating users with irrelevant information. There are so many factors that must align to make a listing pertinent to a single customer, such as pricing, location and size. As a result of this, there is a high probability that most listings might not pertain to most people in a given social media audience.

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