CategoriesBlog Real Estate

POWER BROKERS 4.0 Introduces Real Estate Agents to the Corporate Client

The Power Brokers Circle 4.0 held on Friday 31st August, 2018.

The Power Brokers Circle is a network of fully profiled real estate agents and brokers periodically equipped by Fine & Country with accurate, relevant and current real estate insights to co-promote higher industry standards as well as leverage on aggregate networks and connections.

The most recently concluded edition was titled: ‘The Diary of a corporate tenant: ‘The ABCs of commercial properties.’ The event held at One6Temple, the iconic commercial property The One6 Temple is strategically located at the intersection of two major roads (Kingsway Road and Olu Holloway Road). The One6 Temple is a 15 floors highrise prime commercial development in the heart of Ikoyi. This property offers prime office spaces, generous parking, cafeteria, modern finishes and cutting-edge technology


The event attracted over 100 attendees both physically present at the venue and virtually on Fine & Country’s online channels.

The objective of this edition was to expose real estate professionals to the fundamentals of commercial real estate and broaden their understanding of the needs of a corporate tenant.

One of the key highlights of the day was the walkthrough of the One6temple. The attendees were able to get first-hand experience of the property.

Another highlight of the event was the presentation by the Head of Commercial Sales of Fine and Country WA, where she underlined definitive distinctions between the features and amenities of a commercial property, the difference between Grade A and Grade B properties as well as the intricacies of dealing with corporate tenants and how to make the best of a transaction.

By the end of the event, attendees commented on the high level discourse of the event and how it has advanced their knowledge of commercial real estate.

CategoriesBlog Real Estate

Legal Contract Series: Elements of a Contract

As a real estate enthusiast, investor or practitioner- your success or ability to thrive in the real estate industry depends on how frequently you increase your knowledge and skills. We will be deep diving into the technical legal aspects of being a professional real estate investor.

The core of our series will be on legal documents, and knowledge of contracts a practicing real estate enthusiast must be aware of.

First, what is a contract?


A contract is a LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE AGREEMENT between 2 or more parties that creates an OBLIGATION to do or not to do a particular thing.
It is an exchange of promises that the law will enforce.
What are the elements of a contract? We will take each of these elements one after the other and for today we shall focus on the first element.

The first element of a contract is an OFFER

An offer is a promise to act or refrain from acting, which is made in exchange for a return promise to do the same.

A buyer’s power of acceptance is created when the seller conveys a present intent to enter a contract in certain and definite terms that are communicated to the buyer.

Like marriage, acquiring a space (lease or outright buying) is one part love, one part legal transaction, and starts with a proposal. When brokering the transaction for your client making an offer is important: oral promises are not legally enforceable in real estate sale.

Below are 2 more duties you have as an agent to your client:

  1. Act with prudence in the Client’s interest: You have to put your client’s needs over your personal gain, this way you become known for your integrity and increase your client base.
  2. Duty to account to the client: Any and all plans to front-load the price of a property must be revealed to the Client (whether buyer or seller). This is part of the Duty to account.
CategoriesBlog tips & tricks

7 Ways to Enhance your Energy Level and Maximize your Productivity

Do you ever feel like you didn’t get everything done on your to-do list at the end of the day? You start the day with a plan and a goal in mind, but by the end of the day, your to-do list has grown even longer.

There are various things you may do to enhance your energy level and maximize your productivity. Fortunately, here are seven ideas to consider:

  1. Get More Sleep
    If you often feel tired throughout the day, you may need more quality sleep. Try going to bed earlier and reducing screen time before bed.
  2. Reduce Stress
    High levels of stress can make you feel tired and drained. Finding ways to minimize lifestyle-related stress can help keep up your energy levels.
  3. Move More
    If you live a sedentary lifestyle and feel low on energy, participating in regular exercises like brisk walking or cycling can boost your energy levels.
  4. Eat a Nutritious Diet
    A diet based on whole, healthy foods benefits your health and your energy levels. In contrast, a diet high in processed foods can negatively affect your energy levels.
  5. Avoid Added Sugar
    Eating foods high in sugar can give you a short-term energy boost followed by a slump. To avoid this, minimize your intake and focus on eating whole foods instead.
  6. Stay Hydrated
    Dehydration can make you feel tired. Make sure to drink enough water throughout the day and respond to your thirst, especially during exercise.
  7. Be Social
    Getting out of the house and mingling with other people is beneficial for both your energy levels and your health.
CategoriesBlog Real Estate


Yes, it is the World Cup season and there are lessons to be learned from the games- especially as regards investing. While we are excited about Nigeria making it to the world cup and not so happy about losing our first game- we stay patriotic & positive for better results in the future.

Have you made any losses in your investments in the past? You cannot give up now- It’s time to review & play the next game with superior knowledge, skills, focus & positivity.

We can only imagine how Lionel Messi felt losing that penalty kick; we are happy an African country finally got a first goal of the tournament yesterday even though they eventually lost the match largely due to losing focus just as they got into extra time- all these twists and turns make for a good investment analogy.

Are you an astute investor with years of experience & returns or are you still behind the ball, contemplating what, where and how to invest? This week we bring you 4 key elements to successful investing. Remember even the world’s best players like Lionel Messi with three consecutive FIFA Ballons d’Or, including an unprecedented fourth as well as Barcelona’s all-time top scorer can still lose a penalty kick.

What are the factors to consider before investing or while you’re in an investment cycle already;

  1. STANCE; Your (financial) standing is very important; before investing it is imperative that you conduct a detailed evaluation of your finances to make sure you are prepared to see the investment opportunity through. Real Estate opportunities abound everywhere you look, from Social Media to Billboards & even flyers in traffic. A good investor does not commit to any opportunity until a careful review of the investment has been done vis-à-vis your capability. That way you do not to start what you cannot finish.
  2. SIGHT & FOCUS; Like a good footballer- every investment player must KEEP THEIR EYE ON THE BALL. You can not afford to have too many things in your sight at the same time. You must imagine every shot you take will determine the outcome of your investment. Keep your ball (investment) in sight. Hold it by yourself & place it in the right spot; Streamline your options with your vision (& outcome) in mind. If you are uncertain seek the expertise of real estate professionals in making this all-important decision.
  3. SHOOT; Or like we like coined it this June- #JustDoIt. After a careful review of your financial standing as well as an expert evaluation of your investment options. JUST DO IT! GOT FOR IT! Take the dive! Do not be crippled by analysis paralysis. It doesn’t serve you in any way to stand behind the ball & not take the shot. Remember you will miss 100% of the shots you don’t take! There is no time as good as now!
  4. SCORE & WIN; Always remember the objective of your investment- to make good profit. We understand from experience that the most important question every investor will ask is “What’s in It for me?” this is why at Fine & Country we deploy an adept process in choosing our real estate opportunities to ensure that our investors score every time! But not just score, we are committed to our investors- WINNING! i.e. we do not believe in marginal profit- we believe in exponential returns. So, whatever you do- make sure you score & win!


The 3 magical words every Nigerian looked forward to hearing on Saturday June 16th 2018

As we wish our super eagles a more positive outcome going forward, we also wish our investors the very best in their future decisions.

Get excited! We are working hard on some new & exciting investment opportunities at Fine & Country to be announced soon. Go ahead & contact our team if you’re looking for carefully profiled & profitable real estate investment opportunities.

CategoriesBlog Real Estate

THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SPACE; beauty and the beast

How often do you think about your space?

Have you ever imagined living or working in a forest with tall trees all around- how would you feel? Would the sounds of the breeze on the trees and woody scents help you concentrate? You would probably feel uncomfortable working in such environment. Looking at your work environment, how does it make you feel? Do you feel challenged by the space around you, does it limit or enable you? Does what you see, feel and smell help you stay focused and relaxed, or does it distract you and keep your mind wandering?

There’s a Chinese thought called “Feng Shui”, described as “a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation of space in relation to the flow of energy, it is a belief that the way you arrange objects in your space affects your success, health and happiness

The spaces we occupy to large extent shapes our performance & productivity & ultimately- our results.

A large part of our lives is spent in physical interaction with the space around us. The spaces we occupy directly influence our psychological well-being and creative performance. Space has the ability to shape who we are and how we behave, and the fact that many of us spend large amounts of time, even years, working in the same space, it makes sense to optimize that space for maximum benefit.

In 2005 a study looking at a range of organisations found that allowing employees an element of control over their working space and environments engendered increased satisfaction and productivity. Interestingly, lots of developers, urban planners, designers, architects and business owners are accepting the knowledge that a large part of how we define ourselves and success is caught up in the close relationship we have with the spaces we occupy and the way in which we inhabit them. In reality space has so much influence on the way we live and work such that it can easily empower or dis-empower our lives.

Beauty and the Beast

Let us juxtapose two concepts; the Beauty and the Beast psychology of spaces. The Beauty psychology of space creates a synergy between recreation, relaxation, serenity and work.  It provides for more flexibility and room for relaxation and enjoyment – creating a contented and happy work environment. An environment with wide open space to use for networking and collaboration with a clear and relaxed mind to get work done easily.  A case in point is ‘The Finery, Ikoyi’  a beautiful well-spaced green landscape located in the heart of Ikoyi, Lagos- Nigeria. The Finery provides a serene environment for collaboration and co-creation, equipped with a well-trimmed garden, a studio for events, generous car-park space and a work-fun experience.

‘The Beast mode’ is generally believed to connote the concept of hard-core, high impact activity; the Beast Space for the purpose of our expose will be a high rise building in the middle of a busy business district that provides a good working space environment meant to produce, store and maintain enormous volume of knowledge and information rather than a place to simply perform work and relax. Spaces in Beast mode are characterised by their structure and construction, they are mostly high-rise building with creative architectural urban designs that gives a big visual effect to people so that it is considered as a critical factor for a conducive work environment.

‘Beast’ spaces emphasize on mostly brick, mortar, glass, structure and form. We have a couple of office spaces that fall within the Beast mode –The Post Square on the intersection of Adeola Odeku & Ologun Agbaje streets, in Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. It is a premium office space that offers flexible spaces to suit the ever changing, dynamic needs of fast growing organizations as well as generous underground parking.


CategoriesBlog Real Estate


The reality of having your dream house is a beautiful feeling, it is indeed an amazing experience everyone would love to and should have.

Buying your first property can be a challenging task, but the beauty of it is millions of people have been there and have successfully gone through this process to purchase their first property; armed with the right information, you will have the best possible chance of getting a great, affordable property at a price you can afford.

Because of the risks associated with the process- one needs to be cautious. These steps are meant to guide you through the process of purchasing your first property. You should follow the steps in order to ensure that it is done safely and properly.

STEP 1; FINANCIAL CLARITY; What is your budget?

Before getting too excited about your dream house and clicking through pages of online listings, there’s need to do a serious audit of your finances. First, you need to take a close look at your monthly income and savings. Do you earn enough income to generate the amount required to purchase your dream house? Don’t even consider purchasing a property before you have emergency savings account with three to six months of living expenses. You need to consider a property you can afford, a property within your means.

Buying a property is a big step involving substantial long-term financial commitment, so think hard about what you can afford.

STEP 2; Knowledge of the Market/Market Insight

Yes – you will have to conduct an extensive research about the real estate industry- trends, insights and information that will assist you in making an informed decision. These can be gotten from real estate experts, property magazines & other online resources as well as real estate reports. Fine & Country also conducts bespoke market research for intending buyers. (Please watch this space for an event targeted towards first time home buyers this April).

Having clearly identified your budget and gained relevant knowledge about the real estate market, figuring out a good payment plan for your new home is very important.


Most first time home buyers are always under the impression that paying for a home only involves applying for a loan and making payment to the developer, however, It will surprise you to find that there are various payment types & options. Figuring out the best payment plan for you can go a long way in ensuring your financial stability.

  • Down payment plan: This involves you making an initial deposit of the price upfront to the developer. The remaining amount is then released by your bank to the developer within 45-60 days, the duration may vary depending on what is agreed upon between yourself, your bank and the developer.
  • Possession-linked payment plan: This is a more straight forward payment plan that involves making a down payment at the time of booking the apartment and the remaining balance is paid once the buyer takes possession of the property. It is ideally suited for first time home buyers looking to purchase completed projects or projects near completion.


Your intended property location largely influences your budget. Location is a key factor that influences the price of your property. Often times you need to consider proximity to your place of work, if you have a family you need to consider proximity to your children’s school, family, friends, place of worship and other socio-environmental facilities. This should help you narrow down a general region in which you wish to live.

To be continued…

CategoriesBlog Real Estate

THE WATERFRONT ADVANTAGE – How your view influences your lifestyle

There’s something unique about Waterfront properties that creates a standout factor to your real estate investment portfolio. Whenever you have an opportunity to invest in a piece of property that has anything to do with water, lakes, oceans, rivers, streams or even artificially created water features – you should take advantage, even if you are within view of it, and not with direct access.

Direct waterfront access is however the golden standard. There is an exponential increase in value (especially in estate/developments where it is in limited supply). Sometimes people waste time trying to negotiate a great deal- and negotiating is great, but never lose an opportunity to invest in a waterfront property if you can afford it. Also, be ready to pay the premium because it always has a guaranteed exit. The demand and supply ratio will always make it worthwhile.

So when next you want to make a property investment, you have to consider how big a difference choosing a waterfront position could make to your portfolio

We would share with you 3 main reasons why you should invest in Waterfront property.

Health and wellbeing benefits
Research shows that living close to water has significant benefits to one’s mental state, the theory being that water has a calming effect. Further research also shows that living by the water offers more fitness and recreation options. Also, conscious health and wellbeing is becoming a top priority for Nigerians, influencing how they commute to work, spend their leisure time and even where they choose to live. As result, it should become a major criteria for investors to opt for waterfront properties to facilitate a healthy lifestyle.

A rewarding investment

Waterfront properties accounts for a significant value in terms of return on investment. Waterside properties are normally scarce to find and as a result, it allows them to retain their value over a longer period as compared to properties in the city hub. Along with its excellent resale value, it can also be used for lease purposes. People want to lease waterfront homes for the same reasons that you want to buy one.

Demand for the water’s edge

Everyone desires the strong wellbeing and affluence factor associated with waterfronts so it’s always in demand. Research shows that a property on the water’s edge is on average worth more than those located inland, the more reason why a waterfront property in Banana Island (Ikoyi) is far more expensive than properties even within Ikoyi and also in high demand.  The reason for this comes down to the simple laws of economics. Properties which are genuinely on the water are few and far between. The exclusivity of waterfront properties often requires larger upfront capital, however the long-term capital appreciation will be far greater. Therefore, ensure your finances are in order so you can make an offer the minute you have an opportunity.

Get in touch


+234 809 600 0027
+234 809 600 0017

10, Onisiwo street, off Lateef Jakande, Ikoyi, Lagos.


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Fine & Country is a global real estate brand, specializing in providing a premium service through exceptional marketing and professionalism in the upper quartile of the market.


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